En colaboración con el RUM, escuela Walks Webs gana primer lugar en proyecto alimentario de NASA
En colaboración con el RUM, escuela Walks Webs gana primer lugar en proyecto alimentario de NASA
Por Mariam Ludim Rosa Vélez (
Prensa RUM
viernes, 14 de junio de 2024
La escuela Walks Webs, de Mayagüez, obtuvo el primer lugar durante el Simposio de Investigación Estudiantil Growing Beyond Earth (GBE), proyecto que tuvo el apoyo de mentoría del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (RUM), a través de la afiliación al Puerto Rico NASA Space Grant Consortium, que lidera el doctor Juan Gerardo González Lagoa, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR).
La actividad científica, en la que compitieron las 78 escuelas a nivel internacional, se llevó cabo en el Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, ubicado en la ciudad de Coral Gables, en el estado de la Florida. De hecho, desde 2016, Fairchild se ha asociado con científicos del Centro Espacial Kennedy de la NASA para avanzar en su investigación sobre el cultivo de plantas en el espacio. Desde el inicio del programa, los hallazgos de los alumnos han influido en la selección de plantas y las técnicas de cosecha implementadas en el sistema de producción de vegetales de la NASA, a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional.
El equipo ganador estuvo compuesto por los jóvenes Alejandra Ruiz, quien se graduó de cuarto año Valedictorian; así como Adrián Nazario, Carlos Casiano y Mariana Ortiz, quien en agosto inician undécimo grado. Su maestra mentora fue Aloysha Asseo, quien dicta los cursos de Biología, Química, Física, Salud y Neurociencia en la escuela bilingüe establecida en 1987. El proyecto de los estudiantes mayagüezanos constó en buscar mejorar las condiciones de crecimiento de dos cultivos juntos para maximizar la producción de la masa comestible.
“Las escuelas participantes provenían de los Estados Unidos, Canadá, África del Sur, India, Alemania, Guyana, México, Islas Vírgenes, y 10 equipos escolares de Puerto Rico. Me enorgullece inmensamente reconocer la hábil colaboración y dirección de la profesora Dolores Balzac, quien ha dirigido el programa GBE en la isla por los pasados seis años. Su contagioso entusiasmo y continuo compromiso con la educación STEM han sido elementos motivadores de los éxitos obtenidos. Felicito a la delegación de Walks Webs, por obtener este importante logro. De igual modo, queremos reconocer a las otras escuelas de Puerto Rico, sus profesores y estudiantes, quienes trabajaron arduamente también en sus proyectos individuales presentados en esta competencia”, sostuvo González Lagoa.
Agregó que el GBE, una de las iniciativas del NASA Space Grant del RUM, ha tenido una excelente acogida localmente.
“El programa ha sido muy exitoso y notamos un gran interés en las escuelas por participar. La profesora Balzac ha sido la fuerza motriz para echar el programa hacia adelante. Todos los años se realizan estudios en los centros educativos participantes con alumnos supervisados por los maestros. Nosotros proveemos materiales y dirección, según los protocolos dictados por los Fairchild Gardens“, agregó.
Es la segunda ocasión que una escuela puertorriqueña obtiene esta distinción, según explicó Balzac, quien además es la coordinadora del Planetario del RUM.
“Este premio representa el esfuerzo y la dedicación de las escuelas de Puerto Rico en su labor de desarrollar la investigación científica en los estudiantes a través del reto GBE. Puerto Rico cuenta con 20 escuelas de toda la isla participando de esta iniciativa y además de obtener el primer lugar overall en dos ocasiones, hemos alcanzado otros premios”, sostuvo.
Por su parte, la profesora Yahaira Ponce, directora de Walks Webs, expresó el orgullo que siente por el éxito de los jóvenes de la institución que lidera.
“Este logro no solo celebra el trabajo duro y la dedicación de nuestros estudiantes, sino que también destaca el compromiso de nuestra escuela con la educación STEM. Felicitamos a todos los participantes y agradecemos el apoyo continuo de nuestros maestros y mentores. ¡Bravo a WALKS WEBS por los logros alcanzados en la investigación espacial! “, afirmó Ponce.
Con experimentos actualmente en curso en más de 440 escuelas intermedias y secundarias, GBE proporciona un flujo constante de datos valiosos a los científicos de la NASA que están desarrollando tecnologías para el cultivo de alimentos para misiones de larga duración al espacio.
En su séptimo año, más de 40 mil estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria y sus maestros en todo el país contribuyeron con cientos de miles de puntos de datos y probaron 200 variedades de plantas comestibles para la NASA.
Como parte del programa, los jóvenes tienen la oportunidad de presentar sus hallazgos a investigadores y administradores de la NASA durante el Simposio de investigación estudiantil virtual en vivo.
COGNIA School Distinction Award 2022
WALKS.WEBS was named a 2022 Cognia™ School of Distinction for excellence in education. Cognia, the global nonprofit school improvement organization, recognized 96 schools in the United States and Puerto Rico and nine in other countries across the globe as Schools of Distinction.
WALKS.WEBS is recognized as a 2022 Cognia School of Distinction, a program which recognizes pre-K–12 education institutions that exemplify excellence in education and service to learners. Cognia selected WALKS.WEBS as one of the 96 schools and 38 systems out of more than 1,500 institutions that were eligible for its 2022 Cognia Schools and Systems of Distinction.

Our WALKS•WEBS Robotics Team seeks to develop students in engineering, teamwork, and problem-solving challenges. Here higher elementary and middle school students build, code, design on TinkerCad, and run VEX IQ platform robots.
Our Math Club’s mission is to educate the upcoming generation about mathematics. Our main objective is to help students become skillful in math, and we also wish to develop in them a sense of appreciation for it. Students participate in various mathematics competitions.

Starbase Program
Starbase Puerto Rico, a program affiliated with the Puerto Rico National Guard, is designed to provide students with hands-on, interactive STEM education experiences. The program is geared toward inspiring young minds and encouraging their pursuit of careers in science and technology. The recent modernization of their computer laboratory represents a significant investment in the program's educational infrastructure.
Our high school students participate in the Close Up Washington DC program. They travel to our Nation’s Capital to explore iconic sites and participate in debates and deliberations on current issues.

Space Camp is a one-of-a-kind experience at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, the Official Visitor Center for NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Each year, trainees of all ages travel from across the United States and more than 70 countries to participate in our programs. Trainees learn space and flight history, work together as teams, experience simulators, complete simulated space missions, and learn what it really means to be an astronaut.

Club 4H
The National Honor Society (NHS) focuses mostly on the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four pillars have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1921. Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in NHS activities. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, US Territories, Canada, and around the world. Chapter membership recognizes students for their accomplishments and challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.WALKS•WEBS has had active participation in the island’s chapter directive.

Our Student Council at WALKS•WEBS is a group of elected and volunteer students from 6th to 12th grade. These students collaborate with an adult advisor to impact our school, as well as our community. Our priority is to provide the means for student expression and assist in school affairs and activities. The student council provides the student with opportunities to develop leadership skills and service. Also, it fosters healthy student and faculty relationships. We aim to form citizens who will impact our country and change the world.
The choir provides a sense of real belonging. It offers new opportunities for learning and developing new skills. Choir encourages student engagement in our school and our community.
At WALKS•WEBS, students can be part of the choir beginning at the 2nd grade level up to high school. This group specializes in developing their singing skills based on their preferences and abilities.
We perform at the “Tarde Puertorriqueña”, Talent Show, Bohemia, and other school activities throughout the year.

Our school’s band is composed of middle and high school students. This organization helps students develop their musical skills following their special interests in instruments or vocals in a safe equal environment. As a team, the members decide which songs, music style, and performances. A very important aspect of our band is showing their skills at our school events.
The Art Club has been a staple at WALKS•WEBS for years. Throughout the years, the Art Club has created a space where students can develop their fine motor skills based on their unique interests. Most of the students practice printmaking, photography, digital art, and fine-tune their skills on more traditional art such as drawing and painting.
The club also collaborates with the decorations of most of the school activities such as the Talent Show and “Tarde Puertorriqueña”.
During the month of February, we celebrate language week. This week culminates with a “Bohemia”. In this culture-rich activity for the community, the students celebrate the fine arts. They demonstrate all the fine art skills such as declamation, poetry, short films, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, and singing. The School Band and Choir also perform in this event.

At WALKS•WEBS, we develop our students both academically and physically. Currently, we offer various team sports: basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Our vision is to build a solid team culture based on respect, discipline, and integration. We motivate players to excel individually and collectively. As teams, we aspire to reach the highest competitive level and represent our institution at different sports events and tournaments.

The objective of Life skills course is to prepare students to be successful members of society. Students will learn basic cooking skills, basic car maintenance and more.
This course focuses on developing public speaking skills such as clarity of thought, organization and delivery.

This course will provide basic understanding of personal finance which include: income, budgeting, credit, taxes.
This course focuses on preparing the students to the obtain the Driver’s permit.

This course prepares students with the fundamentals of traditional graphic design and digital design. Also, they will learn to work with the concept of design, layout, lettering, imagemaking, composition, working with color and introduce them to various design trends. We will focus specifically on how each work is adjusted to the particular needs of each design. Students will be able to work collaboratively and independently throughout the year in order to complete different projects: stickers, t-shirts, vinyl designs among others.
This course explores the different aspects of journalism. Students will work with digital and written press. They will study and design advertisements, news articles, brochures and newsletters.

WALKS•WEBS wishes to ensure that all our learners are accepted in their dream university and are equipped to successfully overcome any challenges in their future career. To provide this individualized assistance we have a Career Advisor. The Career Advisor provides plenty of one-on-one sessions with each learner to help them understand which career path to choose, what are the requirements to have success in that specific career path and how to achieve them. She also helps students with financial pursuit of scholarships and grants to help them with their college fees.
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